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Goonj is a Non-Profit Organisation headquartered in Delhi, India which undertakes disaster relief, humanitarian aid and community development in parts of 23 states across India.
Lengte : 177
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Goonj is a Non-Profit Organisation headquartered in Delhi, India which undertakes disaster relief, humanitarian aid and community development in parts of 23 states across India.
[H3] Goonj aims to build an equitable relationship of strength, sustenance and dignity between the cities and villages using the under-utilized urban material as a tool to trigger development with dignity, across the country.
[H3] You too have a stake in this collective responsibility. Click here to contribute.
[H3] Disaster Relief & Rehabilitation
[H3] Water
[H3] Education
[H3] Health
[H3] Sanitation
[H3] Livelihood
[H3] Environment
[H3] Access & Infrastructure
[H3] Going sustainable with community farming
[H3] A tale from Sundarbans…re-building lives after a cyclone
[H3] Bringing back hope…
[H3] Changing the face of school with one teacher at a time…
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