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Humanity is at a pivotal crossroads: accelerated human-caused global heating is threatening to destroy human civilisation unless urgent action is taken to rapidly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). The science is not disputed and now is the time to act. Improving the quality of our homes is fundamental to achieve the British Government’s climate change, fuel poverty and water reduction targets. Furthermore, as the host of the global climate conference (COP26) in Glasgow in November 2021, the UK can take a strong leadership role by demonstrating real action.
Lengte : 571
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Humanity is at a pivotal crossroads: accelerated human-caused global heating is threatening to destroy human civilisation unless urgent action is taken to rapidly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). The science is not disputed and now is the time to act. Improving the quality of our homes is fundamental to achieve the British Government’s climate change, fuel poverty and water reduction targets. Furthermore, as the host of the global climate conference (COP26) in Glasgow in November 2021, the UK can take a strong leadership role by demonstrating real action.
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